High Conflict Separation in Ontario
Going through a divorce or separation is never an effortless process for parties involved. Although most of us aim for an amicable separation, it is not always possible. The judicial system in Ontario has evolved to encourage parties to choose Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) forums such as Mediation, Arbitration, and Collaborative Law. ADR forums have given numerous couples the chance to resolve the issues that arose from their separation in a more peaceful manner.
Despite the availability and the popularity of these alternative dispute mechanisms, many couples who are headed towards separation or divorce simply do not have the option to resolve their dispute through these forums as there matter is too high conflict. The character of one or both of the parties, or merely the nature of the issues in dispute, will determine the possibility of these alternative routes.In this case, you need to consult an experienced Ottawa law firm.
People with certain personality disorders or personality types are more likely to be part of a high conflict separation. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is among the most common personality disorders that are often involved in these high conflict situations. Often, people who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder regard separation as an attack to their image and record. This can result in them blaming their ex-partner for the divorce and anything that might transpire following the separation. People with narcissistic personality disorder often lack empathy and are prone to outbursts and rage. During negotiations, any small conflict can escalate to an inexplicable dilemma. These characteristics can make it severely difficult to approach the separation issues amicably. It will be significantly hard to collaborate with them on reaching an agreement that would work for both parties, and more importantly, the children.
Keep in mind that changing your narcissistic ex-partner is not option. However, you are able to control your own reactions to their behaviour. Knowing the nature of your circumstances enables to choose the best method to communicate with your ex-partner.
What Are the Steps You Can Take if You Find Yourself in a High Conflict Separation?
If you find yourself in a high conflict separation, it is crucial to come up with a step-by-step plan. The first step after ensuring your mental and physical safety is to consult with a lawyer and to evaluate the available options for your situation. You can save a significant amount of money and time when you have a clear game plan for your separation. It takes many years of experience to handle the demands and expectations of individuals involved in a high conflict divorce. You need an experienced Ottawa family lawyer by your side to guide you through this complex and often traumatizing process.
When dealing with an ex-partner who lacks communication and listening skills, negotiation often does not end in a mutually consented agreement. Mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution are based on honest, open, and effective communication. Some couples simply may not be capable of approaching their separation issues in this way. Sometimes, litigation will be your best and only option.
If you find yourself involved in a high conflict litigation with your ex-partner, it is crucial to be open and honest with your lawyer regarding your situation. When selecting an Ottawa family lawyer to represent you, be sure that they are aware of the situation you are involved in with your ex-partner and their personality. Knowing these information will enable your lawyer to come up with the best game plan when dealing with your ex-partner. In addition, it will provide you with the opportunity to evaluate whether your lawyer is equipped with skills and tools for dealing with a high conflict separation.
It is also important to choose an Ottawa divorce lawyer whom you are comfortable with. It is common to feel helpless and powerless when dealing with a high conflict situation. You may feel like you need to seek help and guidance from anyone that is willing to help you. However, it is also crucial to make sure that you and your potential lawyer are on the same page and that they understand your goals and desires throughout the litigation process. Changing your representative midst litigation will cause you unnecessary stress and will add to your legal costs. It is always better to make sure that you are choosing the right representative at the beginning of your legal matter.
Reach Out to Our Expert Family lawyers Today
RPB Law is proud to offer a team of Ottawa based family and divorce lawyers uniquely qualified to assist you with high conflict Divorce and Family matters. Get in touch with our friendly staff now!